Daisuke Ono interviews, January 2018

As the voice of Susumu Kodai (and many other prominent activities, such as music performances), Daisuke Ono is always a part of Yamato 2202 promotion. He participated in the Chapter 4 promo campaign in January 2018, which lead to the publication of these interviews.

What is the “pain” felt by Daisuke Ono in Space Battleship Yamato?
“I am prepared”

Published by Cinema Cafe on January 25, 2018. See the original post here.

Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato, Soldiers of Love excited all of Japan and is now the motif of the spectacular story Yamato 2202, which brings it forward to the present day with a new interpretation and dressing. Divided into seven chapters, Chapter 4 Destiny Chapter premieres in theatres on Saturday January 27. Daisuke Ono, in the part of the main character Susumu Kodai, looks back on Chapter 3 and says, “It was painful.” What was the “pain” he experienced? And how will he overcome it as he heads into Chapter 4?

What is the “pain” Daisuke Ono felt when playing Susumu Kodai?

In Chapter 3 Pure Love Chapter, Kodai is pressed to make a devil’s choice: “I will spare only one of the three ships carrying all those civilians. If you choose none, they all die.”

“We actors try to understand the role, and after getting that information we put our feelings into it. In other words, the initial approach requires objectivity…but with this development, with Kodai in this situation, I couldn’t help but think about it subjectively. If I project too much into it, there is too much Daisuke Ono and not enough Susumu Kodai in the role. So I was troubled.”

“I don’t think I can say anything for myself,” Mr. Ono revealed, talking about his mental state at the time. “It was really painful for me to be there. After I mentally cornered myself, I didn’t know what was real and I spoke with a dry mouth. I performed while feeling as if I was in pain.”

And Kodai makes the choice of “not choosing.”

“It’s a leap past common sense, isn’t it? The strength of the human spirit seems able to reach that far. I think of the person named Susumu Kodai as a hero. From another point of view, it’s lame because ‘I won’t choose’ is just being whiny. But, while I won’t claim that it’s cool, I think just saying it flat-out like that is so Kodai,” he said, sounding almost admiring of the character.

In the September 2016 hereProduction Presentation, series writer Harutoshi Fukui declared, “I intend to depict a love that is tested.” Mr. Ono says he talked about that at the voice recording site: “We were forced to overdo it in Chapter 3. This is a trial, so please try to overcome it.”

“Kodai proposes to Yuki after that, and there was a real feeling of payoff for both Yamato and Kodai. But that was just for Chapter 3, and I feel like it’s not over yet.”

Yes, the story is still ongoing.

“I’ve been tested a lot, and I’m prepared to be tested again from here on.”

A fleet battle and Dessler…
plenty of hot highlights!

Mr. Ono fueled expectations for Chapter 4: “In a way, I think it’s going to truly be Yamato from here on. Both with the enemy and with myself. Since we get into the main axis of the fight in Chatper 4, it gets strong and hot. I can say without exaggeration that the fleet battle is cool. The Space Cavalry is really good. I want the people who watched Yamato in the old days to see it as soon as possible. I really hope you enjoy the power.”

Also, the popular character Dessler appears in Chapter 3 at last, which is said to be the highlight of this work. He is played by veteran actor Koichi Yamadera.

“Yamadera’s performance as Dessler is cool, mysterious, passionate, and very charismatic. His performance felt like the heat of a quietly burning blue flame. Listening to the voice of Dessler, I felt again what a great performer Mr. Yamadara is.”

Yamadera continues from Yamato 2199, but at that time, due to the large number of cast members, the Yamato side and Garmillas side were recorded separately. Mr. Ono brightened as he talked about this.

“At the time I said, ‘I wish we could have recorded together,’ and ‘I want to banter with Mr. Yamadera’ and now this has finally come to pass.”

If Dessler is a blue flame, then Kodai can be described as “a blazing red flame.”

“There is definitely a difference. If you come to watch it in a theater, I think you’ll feel that Dessler is a person who lives for love. I think that both he and Kodai are both ‘Soldiers of Love’.”

Finally, Mr. Ono shared a message with those who are looking forward to Chapter 4.

“I think there are things you won’t understand right away in Chapter 4. But don’t worry if you’re a beginner, because it starts with a ‘previously in our story’ synopsis. It is depicted on a scale which I think is best seen in a theater. I think you will feel that great love.”

Yamato 2202 Chapter 4 interview arrives with Daisuke Ono as Kodai

Published on January 25, 2018 by Pash Plus, Akiba Souken, Animate Times, Mantan Web, Nizista, T Joy, Web Newtype, and the Official 2202 website.

Chapter 4 of Yamato 2202, Destiny Chapter, premieres in theaters January 27. Here we introduce the arrival of an official interview with Daisuke Ono, in the role of Susumu Kodai.

Interviewer: The love of Kodai and Yuki was depicted in Chapter 3. How was it performed?

Ono: Chapter 3 was intense. As performers, we try to know the role and after getting that information we put our feelings into it. In other words, objectivity is needed at the start…but the way this developed, if I were placed in Kodai’s situation, I couldn’t help but think subjectively about it.

Therefore, I want to partake in the role, but if I project myself too much he would become Daisuke Ono instead of Susumu Kodai. I was troubled. I could only help one of three ships carrying civilians. Those who I didn’t choose would die. If I was confronted by that devil’s choice, I don’t think I could say anything.

However, Kodai says, “I will not choose.” He leaps past common sense, doesn’t he? The strength of the human spirit can go there. I think of Susumu Kodai as a hero. If I were to question him, it would just be, “Huuuh?” That goes against all reason. From another point of view, it’s lame. Because “I won’t choose” is just being whiny.

I think Kodai is able to say that flatly, but I couldn’t do that. I don’t know if any other character could say that. If you overthink it, you can’t say it. It was really painful for me, and after I cornered myself mentally, I couldn’t say what was right or wrong. It makes my mouth go dry. But I still said it. I performed while feeling that pain.

Even Mr. Fukui said it: “The recording for Chapter 3 is going to work you hard. This is going to be a trial, so please overcome it.” Therefore, it felt like Kodai, Yuki, and Yamato had a purpose, and there was a feeling that it truly paid off.

But this was just for Chapter 3, and I feel like it’s not over yet. At the production presentation, Mr. Fukui said, “I intend to depict a love that is tested,” and it has very much been tested. I am prepared to be tested again from here.

Interviewer: Dessler appeared at the end of Chapter 3. Will Mr. Yamadera be returning to the voice after this long absence?

Ono: Because there were so many people on the Yamato and Garmillas sides in Yamato 2199, we were recorded separately. At that time I said, “I wish we could have recorded together” and “I’d like to banter with Mr. Yamadera,” and that has finally come to pass.

Interviewer: How was the reunion with Dessler?

Ono: Even after a long absence, he’s still Dessler. I feel like we’re going to heights no one else can reach. As the crew of Yamato is undergoing a kind of evaluation, as we’re being agitated, we then feel desperate, as if being assaulted by a wave of heat.

Who is Dessler? He seems so strong and mysterious that you can’t see the limit. It’s always been like that. I don’t think we can win. But this time, the feeling is also that Dessler is a person. I think I wanted to see this. I can’t tell you the details. Dessler’s character has a solid feeling of being calm and intellectual, and most of it goes unspoken, but I think the mystery is revealed little by little everywhere you look.

Interviewer: In Chapter 4, there seems to be full-fledged war with Gatlantis, too.

Ono: At last. In a way, it truly becomes Yamato from there. On both our side and the enemy side. Since we reach the main axis of the fight in Chapter 4, it is strong and hot. I can’t overstate how cool the fleet war is. And the Space Cavalry is good, too. I want people who have liked Yamato for a long time to see it as soon as possible. I want you to enjoy its power by all means.

Interviewer: There also seem to be a lot of highlights for the female characters.

Ono: The exchanges between Nagakura and Saito are good, aren’t they? We each contribute loud voices. I like that sort of workman-like camaraderie.

Nagakura is depicted as a very good woman, isn’t she? In talking about the first bridge, it also looks like Miki Saijo is a wonderful heroine among the female characters. She and Nagakura are great, but as Kodai’s actor I’m always thinking, “More Yuki!” (Laughs)

Interviewer: And the male characters?

Ono: Mr. Yamadera is cool, mysterious, passionate, and very charismatic as Dessler. He has the heat of a blue flame blazing quietly. I feel that from his performance. When I hear the voice of Dessler, I feel that Mr. Yamadera really is a great performer.

Interviewer: If Dessler is a blue flame, what about Kodai?

Ono: He’s a burning red flame, isn’t he? There is definitely a difference. If you come to see it in a theater, I think you can definitely feel that Dessler is a person who lives for love. I think he, Kodai, and Yamato are all Soldiers of Love.

Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to those who are looking forward to Chapter 4.

Ono: I think there are things you won’t understand right away in Chapter 4. But don’t worry if you’re a beginner, because it starts with a ‘previously in our story’ synopsis. It is depicted on a scale which I think is best seen in a theater. I think you will feel that great love.

Interviewer: Thank you very much!

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