5. Earth part 2

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Another Dinguil carrier gets a caption in Version A as the assault on Earth begins.

Fighters scream down into the atmosphere, captioned in Version A only.

Following the attack we cut to a vista of the destruction, quite different from A to B.

The shot pans over to the lonely figure of Kodai pondering his failure.

The background of the next shot was changed in Version B to reflect the new color palatte.

Kodai walks to the tower leading down to Yamato‘s underground dock. The foreground art is unchanged, but the background and overall color are different in B.

The crew gathers at the dock and rushes onto the ship when they hear a surprise announcement from the revived Captain Okita. Both versions have Yuki share a knowing glance with Commander Todo, but only in Version A does she salute him before joining the others.

Todo salutes the departing Yamato. The scene was redone for Version B.

Wide shot of Yamato leaving port. Version B was considerably brighter and included some extra clouds.

The liftoff from the water is essentially the same in both versions, but from here they deviate.

For one thing, the sky is much brighter and more hopeful in Version B.

Version B also cuts inside the bridge for key shots of the main characters, full of grit and determination. This lengthens the Version B launch quite a bit. More shots shown below.

All of the above were new to Version B and gave Yamato‘s final launch the screen time it cried out for.

Version A mainly relied on climbing shots from Farewell to Yamato, as sure an indicator as any of how rushed the animators were.

After the launch, both versions inexplicably cut to a reused scene from Farewell showing the ship with damage.

Version B then gives us two more new shots which bracket dialogue scenes inside the ship. By the end of this sequence, we’re passing the moon to rendezvous with another EDF fleet on its way to action in the outer solar system.

Continue to Part 6

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