Live-Action Movie Synopsis, Part 5

The Cosmo Zero noses straight down in a precipitous drop toward Iscandar. Flying in stealth mode, it dives past a phalanx of pillar-shaped defense ships hanging in the sky like sleeping statues. After clearing them without incident, Kodai powers up and accelerates toward a huge crater ringed by enemy guns. He quickly acquires their position data and sends it back to Yamato. The guns train on him and he prays for Shima to do his part as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, Yamato itself roars past Kodai, nose down and dropping like a bullet. With astonishing precision, the main guns pound the Gamilas defenses to dust and Yamato warps just seconds before it can smash into the surface. In its wake is a squadron of Black Tigers and a dropship, all hot on Kodai’s tail and ready for action.

The task force angles into the crater, a gigantic underground cavern leading deep into Iscandar. Gamilas fighters appear all at once, and a dogfight fills the tunnels with explosions. The Black Tigers give as good as they get, but go down quickly in this unforgiving environment. A missile bores in at the dropship and Yamamoto moves to block it. Kodai watches helplessly as his Tiger takes the hit and plunges groundward. Yamamoto salutes him bravely all the way to impact.

With the fighter escort now down to just Kodai, Yuki, and Kato, they guide the dropship into a new cavern. The ceiling around them is covered in giant, hanging structures of blue crystal.

The dropship releases its cargo–a ground assault vehicle carrying Sanada, Saito, and the marines. The pilots ditch their fighters and leap on board…but then the cavern itself seems to come alive. Gamilasborgs surge at them by the hundreds, their eerie blue lights glowing with menace.

They are not the only threat; positioned above them are larger creatures with heavy gun-arms that open fire on the encircled landing force. There is only one way out. Completely surrounded, Kodai picks up his tranceiver and orders Analyzer into “standalone” mode to give them cover.

Acknowledging the order, a red machine bursts out of Kodai’s Cosmo Tiger, a humanoid shape with a domed head. Bristling with guns, Analyzer acquires targets and sprays fire in all directions. Surprised, the Gamilasborgs take their eyes off the landing vehicle. The driver guns the engine and breaks free of the mass. Kodai watches as Analyzer recedes into the distance, emptying its guns into a relentless sea of Gamilasborgs. Its red body is quickly smothered in swarming blue light.

The vehicle drives deeper into the caverns, closing in on the coordinates that have brought them so far. This attract more unwelcome attention, and the group takes a heavy blow that throws them all to the ground. The hordes move in. Kato raises his rifle, vowing to hold them off so Kodai, Yuki, Saito, and Sanada can keep going. They all know it’s a death sentence, but Kato is already mortally wounded. This is his last, defiant gesture. They leave him behind with the echoes of his gunfire.

In short order, Sanada makes an announcement: they’ve arrived at the coordinates. This cavern is their destination. There are no machines of any kind, just a glowing blue crystal hovering inside a rocky structure.

Yuki reaches out for it and its energy pours into her, shredding her flight gear and filling her body. As the others watch, she turns to face them, her eyes glowing blue. She speaks in another voice, this one female and benevolent. (Note: it’s the original voice actress for both Starsha and Teresa!) The voice explains that there are two sides to the race they call “Gamilas;” the aggressive, conquering side and this opposite number, “Iscandar,” which wants only to preserve life. But there is no sign of an anti-radiation device.

Kodai takes this moment to share with them what Okita revealed to him: there is no such device. There never was. It was all a fiction to give the people of Earth a shred of hope to keep them going in their final days. The message capsule only delivered the engine plan and the coordinates they have now reached. The one tiny promise of anything more was Kodai’s survival on Earth’s surface. It is the source of his own faith, and all this mission had to cling to.

In response to this, “Iscandar” emits a pulse that neutralizes all the radiation in the cavern and fills it with breathable air. Kodai peels off his helmet and takes a breath. The others follow suit. They ask the voice if the same thing can be done for the Planet Earth. It can. And through Yuki, it will. Yuki’s eyes close and she drops to the ground.

She recovers quickly, and now the rest of the mission is clear. She must be returned to Earth. She is now “Iscandar.”

Making their way back toward the crashed vehicle, the tiny group still faces the prospect of escaping through untold numbers of Gamilasborgs. As they advance cautiously, they find what looks like a huge generator, another brilliant blue light glowing inside. Sanada takes some readings and deduces that it must be the source of all Gamilas energy. If they destroy it, there is a chance for escape.

They come under fire again, cling to the walls and fire back. Sanada and Saito prepare to make a break across a catwalk leading to the power generator, and Sanada insists that Kodai and Yuki must leave them behind. Sanada confides in Kodai that he has come to think of him as a younger brother. But there is no more time for talk; the two men rush out into the open. Kodai does his best to cover them, and they successfully reach the other side. Sanada shouts for him to run. Take Yuki and save Earth!

Tearing themselves away, they head back toward the landing point while Sanada plants explosives and Saito makes his stand. He pulls out his “lucky charm,” the protective pendant, and unleashes double rifles into the approaching hordes. He takes one hit after another, not giving an inch.

Finding neither help nor opposition, Kodai and Yuki reach the landing point. Analyzer lies in scraps near the demolished Cosmo Zero. Only Yuki’s Black Tiger is still in one piece.

Back at the power center, Sanada finishes rigging his bombs. He turns to Saito, now standing silent and immobile. He tips backward and crumples to the ground, his hands still tightly fastened around his guns. Gamilasborgs now rush unopposed across the catwalk, blasting Sanada backward. He raises his detonator and smiles.

A single Black Tiger blasts free of the cavern just as an enormous explosion ripples through the hanging crystal city and shatters it like glass. Kodai and Yuki cling to each other in the cockpit as they make their way back to the surface and safety.


All is quiet for Yamato on its return trip. Kodai speaks confidently to Okita and salutes before he steps out. Then Dr. Sado takes her leave. Okita’s final words to her are, “Dr. Sado…thank you.”

On the bridge, a red planet is spotted in the distance: Earth! A call comes in from the EDF Commander, who is overjoyed at their return. He asks if their mission was successful, and Kodai responds that of course it was. They are coming back to save the human race.

The red globe fills Captain Okita’s window. His face fills with emotion, then slackens. His hand slips down to touch the photos of his lost family for the final time.

Out of nowhere, energy beams and missiles slam into Yamato‘s hull. Completely unprepared, the crew is knocked off their feet. One by one, all the weapons systems go down. The wave-motion gun is still hampered, permanently blocked by the Gamilas missile that struck earlier. The final blow is delivered to the engines. Tokugawa, battered and bloody, can only report that the engine is hopelessly damaged before he drops, lifeless. Yamato is now crippled.

The bridge crew watches a massive new ship lumber past, unfolding itself like a malevolent flower as it drifts ahead of them into Earth orbit. Finding himself at a complete loss, Kodai turns to go up and consult Captain Okita, but Dr. Sado stops him, shaking her head sadly. Okita can do nothing more for them.

Before anyone can grieve, however, a new presence arrives in their midst, a blue light that floats into the bridge and begins to build itself a crystalline body. It expands into a vague humanoid shape, shifting and morphing as it tries to hold this unfamiliar form. It speaks with the deep voice we heard before: Dessler. (Again, it is the original voice actor from the anime.)

He informs the crew of their situation. Gamilas has been defeated, but it has also been enraged. The giant vessel outside is a tool of revenge, a planet-killing missile that will disintegrate the Earth before their eyes. With that, he dissolves away leaving them with nothing.

The wave-motion gun is still blocked. Struggling for a solution, Kodai realizes what must be done. The missile has to be stopped at all cost, or the mission and sacrifice will all have been for nothing. He orders the surviving crew to abandon ship. Shima protests, but Kodai reminds him that it is his job to fly Yuki to Earth. Kodai will stay with Yamato and take it into battle for the last time. There is enough power to operate the sub-engines and the Wave-Motion Gun. It remains blocked, but at point blank range that will be irrelevant.

Yuki grabs and holds him, demanding some other solution. He has none.

“Saving Earth won’t matter! Life will be meaningless if you’re not there with me,” she cries.

“But I will be! If I save the Earth, I’ll be there with you in every tree, flower, and blade of grass!”

They hold each other tightly. Kodai draws his pistol and stuns her. Shima picks up her limp body and bids his friend goodbye.

Moments later, the bridge crew is on a shuttle, floating past the windows where Kodai stands alone. Yuki regains consciousness and screams for him as everyone salutes grimly.

Yamato‘s sub-engines light up and the ship lurches forward. The Gamilas missile opens fire, slicing and scarring the hull with energy beams as the ship barrels forward. In the bridge, Kodai sits at the Captain’s station, his hands on the Wave-Motion Gun firing mechanism. Familiar figures appear before him, bathed in warm light, smiling to encourage him on. Saito. Kato. Yamamoto. Tokugawa. Sanada. Captain Okita. The men of Yamato. Kodai smiles back at them as the ship is battered and smashed around him.

The distance to the Gamilas missile closes rapidly. Kodai counts down. 3…2…1…Wave-Motion Gun, FIRE! A vision of Yuki flashes through his mind.

A brilliant light flashes over the arc of the red Earth. Fade to black.

Continue to the Epilogue, translated from the novelization

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