Vintage Report 7: October 1977

The explosion of diverse media coverage continued well after the August premiere of the Yamato movie brought anime into Japan’s mainstream entertainment culture. October 1977 felt like a collective breath of air after the avalanche of September, but the next wave was coming.

October 1: Kappa [Gem] Monthly magazine

What makes the ’77 Yamato boom so interesting is the wide range of media coverage it received as a fresh social phenomenon. The most insightful analysis was to be found in magazines like this one, a monthly digest of journalism for women. The November issue contained an outstanding 8-page article that was among the first to observe Yamato as media unto itself with many independent branches.

“It is not a single original work that has branched out. Rather, each of them is independent and at the same time, the totality of such mediums is also “a work of art.” Yamato exists as integrated multiple art forms. This is how we should understand it…It was conceived as an epic poem, and it would be unacceptable to call it a mere children’s manga film.”

Read the article here.

October 1: Eiga Fan magazine, November issue

Yamato‘s third consecutive appearance in Eiga Fan took the form of a multi-page color foldout (referred to as a “wide”) with story, character, and mecha info.

See it here

October 15: Movie Arts magazine No. 319

Glancing through the pages of Movie Arts, filled with coverage of adult movies and grindhouse cinema from both East and West, the words “high-minded” do not spring to mind. But it’s descriptive of the Yamato movie review found in this issue, written by an author who was decidedly NOT in the target audience. It’s also quite a payoff to Leiji Matsumoto’s conversation in Treasure Island about the dangers of misinterpretation, as this excerpt illustrates:

Space Battleship Yamato did not even tickle the nostalgia of a middle-aged man like me. The film is about the remodeling of Yamato, which is the main point. I am not sure what to make of it, but it was a bit of a mess. Even for me, it had complicated repercussions.”

Read the article here

October 15: Parody Edition Space Battleship Yamato doujinshis

This 2-volume set from a fan club called Character Class Lab was quite an achievement. Both were published on the same day and delivered a whopping 144 pages of parody comics that must have been in the works for quite a while.

See both issues from cover to cover here (volume 1) and here (volume 2)

October 21: Roadshow magazine, December issue

The love affair between Roadshow and Yamato continued not with an article, but the movie’s first #1 ranking in a reader poll to decide the favorite films playing from August 21 to September 20.

The top ten for this month were:

1. Space Battleship Yamato
2. The Deep
3. Damnation Alley
4. Voyage of the Wanderer
5. Rocky
6. A Bridge Too Far
7. Exorcist 2
8. The Eagle Has Landed
9. Sibyl’s Room (France)
10. New York, New York

October 25: Hobby Japan No. 100 (December issue)

Hobby Japan magazine has long been a source for Yamato news in the world of models and toys with countless pages of coverage over the decades and prodigious articles that can be found elsewhere at Cosmo DNA. Founded in 1969, its very first Yamato coverage came in the December 1977 issue (published in October) just two months after the feature film worked its magic.

At this time, only the first round of Bandai kits had been released (which included the notorious spring motors), but the explosion was coming. Click here to read that vintage article in full, which also provided a rare glimpse into Yamato fandom, a roundup of current products, and the delightful bonus of a future star sighting.

October 25: Iscandar Vol. 5 doujinshi

The Cosmo Battleship Yamato Connection fan group killed it again with this 52-page ‘zine that offered more production art and commentary on the intricacies of the ship and crew, and the complete voice recording script for TV Episode 26.

See it from cover to cover here.

October 28: OUT magazine, December issue

The main article this month was a huge feature on Locke the Superman, but the cover also promoted a Space Battleship Yamato Corner inside. It was part of a section consisting of fan mail and art submissions, mainly parody manga.

See it all here

Also spotted in October

Music talk

Pictured at right is the October 1977 issue of Music Guide, a 100-yen pamphlet that must have had something to say about the Yamato drama LP, since it landed on the front cover. Of greater interest, however, was an article from the October issue of Monthly Dollar, which discussed the early stage of Yamato‘s musical success and was the first to announce that a Symphonic Suite was being planned.

Physical copies of Monthly Dollar magazine seem to be beyond reach, but thanks to the curatorial efforts of Japanese fans, the text of that article is still available.

Read it here

What’s next

The record nobody asked for, the model kit nobody knew they wanted, more media attention, and the first steps toward the Yamato sequel! See all that and more in Vintage Report 8!

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