Flying into Haneda airport rather than Narita introduced me to some new ground features. That is not, in fact, a bridge to nowhere…
…it’s the point where you DRIVE UNDER TOKYO BAY on a tollway over to the other side. The “bridge” points almost directly toward Haneda airport. Amaze-balls!
After I got inside Tokyo, I got some of Tokyo inside of me. Surprisingly good tonkatasu at a little walk-up restaurant (just to the right of the Nakano Broadway entrance) called Tare-Katsu. Highly recommend. Will return in future. Why dropping words from sentences all sudden?
I suppose it was too much to ask for me to have her all to myself for a minute. See my onsite video report here.
When you get enough weight into one of those Mandarake bags, the twine handle turns into razor wire.
Yep, this many vintage anime magazines will do it for SURE.