REBEL 3199 Report 8, Part 2

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July 23: V-Storage update

Since 2018, V-Storage, the promotional wing of Bandai’s home video division, has kept a Space Battleship Yamato News page alive on its website. It was up throughout 2202 and 2205, and broke its first 3199 content on this day in the form of two character files. It isn’t updated as frequently as the official site, but it’s still worth an occasional visit.

Check it out here

July 23: Space Battleship Yamato of Two People CD (A.K.A. Yamato Meets Classics)

Four years in the making! The newest addition to the Yamato music catalog began life as the first Yamato event to be impacted by the Covid pandemic, a concert called Yamato Meets Classics that was planned to debut in 2012 and had to be postponed for almost three years before it could finally be performed live in 2023 (see 2205 reports for full coverage).

Three performances were ultimately held with an all-star orchestra that tackled two major compositions: Hiroshi Miyagawa’s Yamato Suite and Kentaro Haneda’s Grand Symphony, hence the name of the disc.

It was finally released on CD today in two versions: standard edition (CD only) and limited edition (CD with score books).

Photos posted on Twitter by Yamato Music FE

Both were available from with two different “mega jackets,” which aren’t actually jackets, but illustration boards with the cover art. The first pressing sold out quickly, so here’s a search term to help find a reissue: 二人の宇宙戦艦ヤマト

There’s a LOT more to say about this milestone release, so click here for the full scoop and highlights.

July 24: 1/350 Diecast Gimmick Model Vol. 265

The Patrol Ship parts supplied in this week’s volume were more internal bits, but they allowed builders to start combining the hull sections containing the forward guns. The photo above right (posted on Twitter by sousui) displays the entire build so far over 15 volumes (of 50).

See Hachette’s instruction video here

See a modeler’s blog here

July 25: Eiga Channel Review

There’s an undeniable risk that accompanies every franchise as it progresses: the deeper it gets, the harder it becomes to attract new viewers (especially when a number in the title gives away how much you’ve missed). One way to address that in 3199 was to provide an extended “previously on Yamato” synopsis, which we’ve seen already. Another is to simply ask viewers to take a chance.

One such viewer is Tadamasa Miyanaga who, despite being a military expert who has written about the Battleship Yamato, never quite got around to seeing its anime counterpart…until now! What did someone with his credentials think after plunging into the deep end of the remake series?

Read his review here

July 25: Hobby Japan No. 663

After a long silence, Japan’s premiere hobby magazine stepped back into Yamato world with a 5-page article that reviewed the mecha…

…and delivered an insightful interview with Harutoshi Fukui and Naomichi Yamato that went to places other media did not. Find it in the 3199 Chapter 1 interview index here.

July 26: Osaka Concert

Three live Yamato performances in one month isn’t too many, is it? The name of this unusual concert was The Ultimate Titanic, since it consisted entirely of film music (starting with that one). Others included The Terminator, Mission Impossible, Godzilla, and Galaxy Express 999. The thing tying them together was the presentation. All were performed on the impressive pipe organ in Osaka Symphony Hall (played by organist Mari Ohki), and accompanied by a projection-mapped light show.

The Space Battleship Yamato theme was the closer, and not for the first time; Akira Miyagawa has conducted the Osaka Shion Orchestra in this same space – but not with projection mapping. That’s something to watch for in future concerts.

July 26: REBEL 3199 on Crunchyroll

That huge THUD you heard on July 26 was the sound of Yamato fandom’s collective jaw hitting the ground when they found out 3199 was streaming on Crunchyroll just one week after its Japanese premiere. No kidding; see their announcement here.

You can watch 2199, 2202, and the first two episodes of 3199 with subtitles right here. (Scroll down and click the “next season” button a couple times to jump to find 3199.) They’ve also got the live-action movie, but regrettably there’s no sign of 2205, so you’ll have to get creative to fill that gap.

Presumably, all future episodes will follow the same release pattern, so let’s enjoy that when we see it for ourselves.

Photo at left posted on Twitter by ayaka19790825

July 26: Week 2 handout

Chapter 1 began its second week in theaters with an incentive to bring customers back for more. The free handout was replaced by a new one, an illustrated card featuring the original Hyperon Bomb, drawn by Mecha Designer Tsuji Tadanao in 1980. There would be another freebie a week later for the third week.

July 27: 1/1000 Asuka DX carrier model kit

Originally released in October 2021 as a 2205 kit, supply carrier Asuka has been upgraded to DX status by offering builders three different color variants and enough decals to reproduce up to seven of the ships seen on screen in 3199 Chapter 1.

Naturally, some fans got right to work as soon as they brought their new models home. See a photo gallery of finished kits here.

July 27: Today’s Science Beginners Vol. 1 video

How about some MORE 3199? Without warning, the Bandai Emotion Youtube channel gave us another present in the form of a 4-minute anime “explainer” for the scientific concepts seen in Chapter 1. The first volume explains “The Sea of Sorrows,” the massive gas cloud formerly known as Saturn.

Click here to watch it; turn on closed captions and English translation (behind the gear icon) to get the whole thing!

Photos posted on Twitter by the Yamato Production Committee

July 28: Stage greetings

Another weekend meant another chance to get out of the hot studio and in front of a grateful audience! Two live greetings were held today, the first at MOVIX Saitama and the second at the Yokohama Burg 13 theater (both in the vicinity of Tokyo).

The first one brought back MC Eriko Nakamura and directors Fukui and Yamato. Joining them for the first time was was Garmillas Mecha Designer Mika Akitaka. There were no official reports about it, but Yamatourist Anton Mei Brandt was in the audience and had the following to say about it:

1: Akitaka saw the original Be Forever Yamato in that very same cinema, though at the time it had a different name.

2: They spoke about homage scenes, and what it was like creating those.

– For Akitaka, he was particularly impressed with the caterpillar launch scene where the camera shakes as it follows the ship. It was an obvious homage to the same scene (but with the saucers) from Be Forever.

– For Naomichi, their version of the Yuki and Kodai spin hug was of particular note. Apparently (unless I misheard) they wanted to do the spin hug again, but there simply aren’t any more animators capable of drawing such an intricate 3D movement of 2D characters. As a consequence, they sadly had to skip it and settled on Kodai reaching out instead.

3: When they left the cinema, we got to hear the full new rendition of the Kodai and Yuki hug music from Be Forever, 3199 versio; the same track we hear in the aforementioned scene.

Some other details were mostly recapping how Akitaka got involved in the project (which is covered in interviews), Akitaka being not used to microphones and holding it improperly, and Fukui pointing out that the scene of the tripods firing makes it look like they have cute little triangle eyes (see top photo for this entry). The audience laughed quite a bit once they realized, me included.

The second session, held about three hours later, included another new face: episodic director Hikari Nakano. This, too, went unreported. So until something gets published somewhere, we’ll just have to imagine what was discussed.

July 28: Wonder Festival 2024 Summer

The latest installment of this high-end, bi-annual hobby show featured Yamato garage kits in abundance, and fans generously shared them with us on Twitter. See a collected photo gallery here.

July 30: Yamato Resurrection Director’s Cut on BS10

One more movie before we part? The 2012 Resurrection Director’s Cut was shown on Star Channel BS10 to close out the summer Yamato movie marathon, which started back in June.

Two more programs were coming in August: the rarely-seen TV compilations of Yamato 2 and Yamato III. Meanwhile, click here to learn more about the Resurrection Director’s Cut.

Photo at right posted on Twitter by pipipi1014

July 31: 1/350 Diecast Gimmick Model Vol. 266

The month began with Hachette and ends with same. The 16th volume of the Patrol Ship model came with an interior core around which all four of the forward gun hull plates could be assembled into a single block. It was a long haul to get here, but we made it. 34 more volumes to go!

See Hachette’s instruction video here

See a modeler’s blog here

Also spotted in July

Fan art

The standards just keep going up and fans just keep topping themselves. There are only winners in this scenario.

See the latest character gallery here and mecha gallery here.

Fan models

It’s always like a box of chocolates. See what came out of the box in July here: Gallery A | Gallery B

Anime Royalty

This astonishing photo was posted on Twitter by voice actor Katsuji Mori (pictured at far left) July 20 with the following caption:

Tonight is a dinner party with some amazing ladies. Mari Shimizu from Mighty Atom is in the foreground on the left. On the right is Michiko Nomura from Sazae-san. In the back is Isao Sasaki, Condor Joe from Gatchaman Fighter. Next to him is Miyuki Ueda, Dr. Pandora from Gatchaman II, and Yoko Asagami, Yamato‘s Yuki Mori.

There is simply no higher voice acting pedigree in one room, anywhere. See the original post here.

“This is a picture of Kawaguchiko Stellar Theater at night that I received from the director. I feel like I can get energy from Mt. Fuji.”

Chiko Miyagawa on Twitter

We usually hear from pianist Chiko Miyagawa (daughter of Akira) right before a Yamato concert, but in July we started hearing about the next one much earlier, since it’s due to take place August 24. This gave us a different viewpoint into the world of Yamato music: the preparation phase. Click through to the posts for pics and videos.

July 12: Practicing Iscandar theme

“I’m trying out various things in preparation for August 24th. I hope it will be a wonderful time.”

July 21: Visiting the venue (Stella Theater, Lake Kawaguchi)

“The Stella Theater lets in outside light and you can hear a lot of bird songs. I wonder what kind of sound will emerge when Yamato music and this space come together in harmony.”

July 22: On-site vocal rehearsal

“Sound check, feat. Earth.”

July 23: Concert prep (Akira Miyagawa)

“Currently typing up the parts. This is becoming a cottage industry.”

July 25: Iscandar theme & Blue Crystal combination

“I am working hard to arrange my grandfather’s and father’s songs to publish them as solo piano pieces. When I put these two songs together, they somehow seem to fit.”

July 26: On the road

“I went to the Stella Theater for a preliminary inspection of the concert.”

July 27: Concert prep

“This is me discussing the layout and the exhibition corner.”

July 29: Status report

“I’ve been writing the draft of the program to be distributed on the day, consulting with @Yamato Music FE (thanks, Fumi-san!), and finally submitted it! Now it’s up to the designer to decide.”

Fan Artist Profile

Time to meet another of the talented and dedicated Yamato fans who delivers some of the amazing artwork we see here in the character galleries month after month. (Hot tip: enter the words “character fan art” or “mecha fan art” in the search bar to bring all the galleries to the top.)

Arashi Tenma

1. What was your first Yamato experience?

My first experience with Yamato was the theme song. The entrance march at sports day was Yamato, and that was the trigger for me to start singing it at karaoke. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I watched the anime properly.

2. What is your favorite aspect of Yamato?

The way Kodai Susumu and the others meet lifelong friends and loved ones in the battles, and grow while supporting each other.

Another thing is that the story teaches us the futility of fighting.

3. Are you a Yamato collector?

I’m not exactly a collector, but I do buy reference books and Blu-ray discs.

4. What is your most treasured Yamato item?

I love Shiro Sanada, so I especially treasure his goods.

5. What are your favorite drawing tools?

When I was a student, I used Copic and watercolor pencils, but now I draw digitally.

6. Where can your work be seen?

I have published it on Twitter and Pixiv.

7. Does your family share your hobby?

Yes, they helped me when I was drawing doujinshi by hand. I’m very grateful to my family for always helping me.

8. Please tell us something about your life outside your art.

I like watching sports on TV. I watch sports with my family all year round. During the Olympic season, I am busy because there are so many sports to watch.

9. Are you involved in Yamato activities with other fans?

Since I started appearing at doujinshi events, I’ve had more interactions with other fans. I’m having a lot of fun now.

10. What do you hope to see in a future Yamato anime?

I would like to see the story of the meeting between Sanada Shiro and Mamoru Kodai! Above all, I wish Sasha happiness.

11. What is your favorite anime after Yamato?

Famous Detective Holmes. I fell in love with Holmes’s coolness and his animation.

12. What would you like to say to Yamato fans around the world?

I’ve only been drawing Yamato fan art for a few years now, but I want to keep drawing more. And I want to see more of your fan art!

13. What should everyone know about Japan and its people?

This isn’t just about Japanese people, but we always hope for world peace.

Yamatunes for July

Yamato Suite sample in 360 Reality Audio
Click here
Grand Symphony Yamato sample in 360 Reality Audio
Click here

Galaxy Legend, sung by Hiromi Iwasaki
Click here
Yuya Hoshino performs Crimson Red live
Click here

Japan Maritime SDF Tokyo Band “Marine Day” Special Concert
Click here
Yamato theme performed live, Nishiwaki Civic Orchestra
Click here

2022 Siena Wind Orchestra Yamato concert (subtitled)
Click here
I [Kodai] and Yamato (1983) acapella cover
Click here

Kazuko Kawashima vocal collection, part 1
Click here
Kazuko Kawashima vocal collection, part 2
Click here

I Remember You, piano cover
Click here
From Yamato With Love, piano cover
Click here

From Yamato With Love, guitar cover
Click here
From Yamato With Love, saxophone cover
Click here

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