If you’d like to relive the entire Final Yamato experience in chronological order, here’s the list:
Time Machine, 1981
Anime magazines, fan club issues 23-26
The making of Final Yamato, Part 1
Brainstorming sessions, May-July 1981
The making of Final Yamato, Part 2
Story drafts, May-August 1981
The making of Final Yamato, Part 3
Story draft, July 1981
The making of Final Yamato, Part 4
Story notes, January 1982
The making of Final Yamato, Part 5
Writer’s summit, day 1
The making of Final Yamato, Part 6
Writer’s summit, day 2
The making of Final Yamato, Part 7
Writer’s summit, day 3
The making of Final Yamato, Part 8
Preproduction, February 1982
The making of Final Yamato, Part 9
Preproduction, March 1982
The making of Final Yamato, Part 10
Preproduction, April/May 1982
The making of Final Yamato, Part 11
Fan club magazine #28, April 1982
The making of Final Yamato, Part 12
Writer’s meeting, June 1982
Time Machine, June 1982
Animage 49, The Anime 32, My Anime, Fan club magazine 29, TV proposal
Time Machine, July 1982
The Anime 33, My Anime, Animage 50, Yoshinori Kanada special
Time Machine, August 1982
Animage 51, The Anime 34, Animedia, My Anime, Fan club magazine 30
Time Machine, September 1982
Animedia, The Anime 35, My Anime, Animage 52
Time Machine, October 1982
Animedia, The Anime 36, My Anime, Animage 53, Fan club magazine 31
Time Machine, November 1982
Animedia, The Anime 37, Yamato Total Collection, My Anime, Animage 54
Time Machine, December 1982
Animedia, The Anime 38, My Anime, Animage 55, calendar, novelizations, Yoshinori Kanada doujinshis
Time Machine, January 1983 part 1
Total Collection special, Perfect manuals, This is Animation 2, Fan club magazine 32
Time Machine, January 1983 part 2
Animedia, The Anime 39, My Anime, Animage 56, first music releases
Time Machine, February 1983
Animedia, The Anime 40, My Anime, Animage 57, Encyclopedia vol 1, novelization, OUT, manga vol 1, strategy game, Fan club magazine 33
Time Machine, March 1983 part 1
Anime Movies for the Spring, OUT, Animage 58, Animedia, My Anime, The Anime 41
Time Machine, March 1983 part 2
Novelizations, Kinejun 856, Grand Festival, program book, music releases
Time Machine, April 1983
OUT, Animage 59, Animedia, Scramble Photo 3, Fan club magazine 34, novelizations, music releases, first home video, The Anime special, Roadshow special
Time Machine, May 1983
OUT, Animedia special, Animage 60, This is Animation 4, Encyclopedia vol 2, All Mecha Big Collection, drama album, Terebi Land color graph 31, Yamato Big Collection, roman album 56
Time Machine, Summer 1983
Music releases, Fan club magazine 35, manga vol 2, My Anime, papercraft, sheet music books
Time Machine, Finale
70mm release, program book, Super Deluxe book, Fan club magazines 36-39